Ten Ways to create an AGE-FRIENDLY workplace


 Adapted from Chip Conley’s Book: Wisdom@Work

  1. Become data-centric when it comes to understanding your workforce

    1. Capture demo data by age

    2. Slice employee engagement data by age

    3. Review your current HR policy and practice against this simple Mercer Age Ready Checklist

  2. Create an internal affinity group (Employee Resource Group) based on age (For example: Uber Sages, Wisdom@airbnb, Greyglers at Google)

  3. Have your CEO highlight the importance of age diversity

  4. Create mutual mentoring programs

  5. Help employees achieve financially secure retirement

  6. Develop programs to hire older workers such as Returnships (3-month internships for those returning to the workplace after a pause) or part-time work opportunities

  7. Rethink your definition of productivity and create 20% time for modern elders (for instance, advising/mentoring younger workers)

  8. Adapt to an aging workforce (flex options, ergonomics, etc.)

  9. Create a longevity strategy for your employees and customers

  10. Study best practices of other employers (This site is a perfect place to share your best practices)