a longevity project virtual panel discussion

October 8, 2020


On October 8, the Longevity Project, in collaboration with the Stanford Center on Longevity and Wells Fargo, brought together some of the leading financial and economic voices in the country for a virtual panel discussion on "Navigating Uncertainty: The 30+ Year Retirement."

Guests included Teresa Ghilarducci, a nationally recognized expert in retirement security and a professor of economics at The New School for social research. Her most recent book is Rescuing Retirement: A Plan to Guarantee Retirement Security for All Americans. Chris Farrell is an award-winning journalist and a Senior Economics Contributor for Minnesota Public Radio and for Marketplace. His most recent book is Purpose and a Paycheck: Finding Meaning, Money and Happiness in the Second Half of Life. Tracie McMillion is the Head of Global Asset Allocation Strategy for Wells Fargo Investment Institute. She is a well-known commentator on the markets and can be frequently seen and read in outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Bloomberg Television and CNBC.

The panelists along with the moderator, Ken Stern, chair of the Longevity Project, analyzed how COVID-19 and a year of unprecedented uncertainty has altered retirement plans for millions of Americans and how individuals, businesses and policy makers should be grappling with the 30+ year retirement in our rapidly shifting world.

Missed the Call?

You can dial-in to the recording of the conference-call style discussion (please note, this panel was not held over Zoom) using the number 404-537-3406 (International) or 800-585-8367 (Domestic). Please use the conference ID 1599508 to access the replay.

Further Reading